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7 reasons why to start with a messaging conversation today!

per 26 Febbraio 2021Non ci sono commenti

Delivering excellent customer experience for prospects and customers? Don’t call. Message! Start by adding conversational channels into your digital customer journey: WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook Messenger, Apple Business Chat, WeChat, … Here are 7 reasons to start the messaging conversation right away! 

1. Your customers want to message you

Aren’t we all tired of queuing for service? With different messaging apps entering our world, ‘generation mute’ is born: a younger generation that loves messaging and social media to interact. And they want to start messaging with your business too!

2. Create a seamless Digital Customer Journey 

Connect with your customers early in their customer journey. Set-up messaging as a part of your business strategy and use it throughout your different departments. Let marketing, sales and support work together seamlessly to create more fans and therefore more customers!

3. Gartner’s Customer Effort Score 

According to Gartner, reducing Customer Effort can deliver higher quality interactions and lower costs. Companies who offer support through messaging will therefore see better NPS scores, an increase in repurchase rates and higher employee retention. Starting with messaging conversation select asynchronous messaging channel strategy is at least 3 times better than using traditional voice channels:

4. It’s better for your customer

 Customers can reach you through their preferred channels, they can send you and relax without having to wait on hold. You’re always available: anywhere, anytime. As a result, using messaging conversation will increase your Net Promoter Score with 30% in contract to when you’re using traditional voice channels.

5. Better for your employee

With the right platform, automatic routing rules and prioritizing messages are possible and working together with other agents and bots can be done seamlessly. Therefore, agents will stress less and can focus on giving your customers an effortless customer experience. Employee retention will rise with 15-20%, resulting in less training and hiring costs.

6. Better for your wallet

Messaging will save you at least 30% on operational costs. By setting SLA-based targets, having an increased productivity and using seamless integrations, your ROI will rise significantly.

7. It’s perfect for SLA based customer service 

Digital channels were rated as most suitable for B2C SLA based customer service in 2020. Team productivity and efficiency can be managed and measured easily with messaging.

Are you ready to start the conversation with your customers?

Try SendApp. It’s a perfect whatsapp message sender. So using it you can be in touch with all your customers.

Try it now


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