How to use Telegram to do business.
How to use Telegram to do business:
Digital is a continuous and varied offer of profits business tools, which are intertwined with their personal and daily use. Think of Social Networks, think of blogging and searching for information, and think of instant messaging apps.
A specific example? Telegram. The increasingly popular instant messaging app, used for personal conversations, may hold marketing and communication opportunities for you that you should start considering in your strategy because they may turn out to be more beneficial than you think.
How to use Telegram for your business? Here are some concrete suggestions.Â
Telegram marketing and business tool
Telegram is an app developed in an excellent way: it offers a secure messaging system, guarantees large file sharing, makes it possible to communicate with large groups of people.
And it holds many valuable marketing and business opportunities for you. Here they are!
1. Telegram is a connection and comparison tool
Telegram is a powerful connection tool: the groups you can create through the platform can count up to 200 subscribers, super-groups go up to 5,000 subscribers, a huge number.
Groups and super-groups are dialogue, they are sharing, they are confrontation and this will make it possible for you to establish a direct and human relationship with your target audience or with a particular segment of it.
There is also another very important advantage: Telegram groups can be registered via the link that the app generates, therefore without necessarily having to use personal contact information, such as the telephone number (as happens, for example, on Whatsapp).
2. Telegram is a tool for sharing and promoting content
A useful and valuable Telegram tool are the channels, which can be public or private and to which you can invite people to join. Unlike groups and super-groups, channels are characterized by one-way communication: it is only those who create the channel who can manage it, posting messages and contents.
Here what you post on the channels becomes a sort of newsletter, but more practical and faster. This is the ideal place to attract and entertain people interested in your brand, to stimulate their curiosity with ad hoc content, to share and promote your messages to an already selected target.
Because? Both because the contents are faster and more immediate and because it is easier to enjoy a message on the smartphone rather than an email.Â
3. Telegram is an internal communication tool
Telegram is also an effective internal communication tool, because shortens distances and facilitates the management of daily work, a fundamental aspect for the productivity of a brand, yet too often underestimated.
Whether via the app on your smartphone or via the app on the web (therefore usable from desktop), Telegram is a practical tool, which makes communications between team members more fluid, fast and immediate.
Utilizzando le menzioni, ad esempio, è possibile richiamare l’attenzione di una persona in particolare; gli hashtag permettono di categorizzare tutti i messaggi relativi a un determinato argomento; è possibile rispondere direttamente ad un messaggio presente nel feed della chat; è possibile condividere file fino a 1,5 Gb di dimensione, senza che vengano compressi, così perdendo di qualità , come invece avviene su Whatsapp.
4. Telegram is a Social Customer Care tool
The Customer Care service has been taking place more and more often and for some time now through social channels because they are more practical, faster and more immediate than traditional communication tools.
Telegram can also be useful and valuable Social Customer Care tool, both because the groups guarantee direct and rapid communications and because, through a live chat or through a special Social Customer Care bot (such as those set up to automatically respond to FAQs relating to the brand or use of the product or to the returns and returns), you will be able to offer an accurate assistance service to your customers and in real time.
5. Telegram and bots are a promotional tool
The bot is a kind of non-human user capable of performing actions automatically and instantaneously. In short, immediacy, speed, efficiency, opportunity, all these are bots. That's why they can be a valuable promotional tool for your brand.
Think about chatbot, that is the bots that automatically initiate and entertain conversations, and which therefore can facilitate and induce an uncertain user to purchase, supporting and guiding him in his choice.
The bots that send alerts regarding specific news of interest to the target audience and / or promotions created ad hoc for them.
Telegram for doing business: conclusions
These are just some of the tips that can be useful for using Telegram in a business environment. If you have anything else to add, you can use the comments and let us know your experience about it.
What results have you had? Have you created a Telegram channel to give information to your customers? Or do you use Telegram only to communicate with your contacts?