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Text Formatting and Photo Customization on Whatsapp

by 2 September 2023#!30Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:45:00 +0200+02:000030#30Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:45:00 +0200+02:00-3Europe/Rome3030Europe/Rome202330 03pm30pm-30Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:45:00 +0200+02:003Europe/Rome3030Europe/Rome2023302023Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:45:00 +0200453459pmSunday=4159#!30Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:45:00 +0200+02:00Europe/Rome9#September 3rd, 2023#!30Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:45:00 +0200+02:000030#/30Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:45:00 +0200+02:00-3Europe/Rome3030Europe/Rome202330#!30Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:45:00 +0200+02:00Europe/Rome9#No Comments

Guida all’Utilizzo Avanzato di Whatsapp: Formattazione del Testo e Personalizzazione delle Foto

Se sei un utente esperto di Whatsapp ma desideri scoprire tutte le funzionalità avanzate di questa famosa app di messaggistica, sei nel posto giusto. In questa guida, esploreremo dettagliatamente come formattare il testo dei messaggi e personalizzare le foto per renderle più accattivanti. Approfondiremo anche come modificare la scrittura dello Stato e altre opzioni avanzate per migliorare la tua esperienza su Whatsapp.


Formatting Text on WhatsApp

Se desideri dare una nuova veste al testo dei tuoi messaggi su Whatsapp, puoi farlo in modo semplice e creativo. Vediamo come su diverse piattaforme.

On Android Devices

  1. Open the WhatsApp app on your Android device.
  2. Select the chat where you want to send the message.
  3. Type your message in the compose bar.
  4. Tap and select the part of the text you want to format.
  5. Tap the vertical dots (⋮) and choose Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, or Monospace.
  6. Alternatively, you can use symbols to format the text (for example: text for bold, text for italics).

iOS devices

  1. Open the WhatsApp app on your iOS device.
  2. Select the chat and type your message.
  3. Tap the message and select “BIU” that appears.
  4. Choose between “Bold”, “Italic”, “Strikethrough” or “Monospaced”.
  5. You can use symbols like * for bold, _ for italics, ~ for strikethrough.


  1. Use WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp for Windows/macOS.
  2. Select the chat and type your message.
  3. Use symbols like * for bold, _ for italic, ~ for strikethrough.


Customizing Photos on WhatsApp

On Android and iOS devices

  1. Open WhatsApp and select the chat.
  2. Tap the camera icon and take the photo.
  3. Select the “T” icon to insert text on the photo.
  4. Customize the text and tap “T” to change font or color.
  5. Send the photo with your creative message.


  1. Use WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp for Windows/macOS.
  2. Open the chat and select the camera icon.
  3. Take the photo and select the “T” icon.
  4. Customize the text and send the photo with the message.

Changing Status and Other Advanced Options

Changing the State Scripture

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to the “Status” tab.
  2. Tap “My Status” and type your text.
  3. Use symbols like * for bold, _ for italic, ~ for strikethrough.

Change WhatsApp Information

  1. Access WhatsApp settings.
  2. Go to “Profile” or “Information” (varies by device).
  3. Change your status or other personal information.

Con queste conoscenze avanzate, sarai in grado di personalizzare i tuoi messaggi e le tue foto su Whatsapp in modo creativo. Sfrutta al massimo le opzioni di formattazione del testo, migliora la tua comunicazione con testi accattivanti e personalizza le tue foto per creare un impatto visivo unico. Esplora le opzioni avanzate di Whatsapp e scopri nuovi modi per rendere le tue conversazioni ancora più interessanti e coinvolgenti.

How to Change Text Font in Photos on WhatsApp: iOS

Se possiedi un iPhone e desideri cambiare il font dei testi nelle foto su Whatsapp, puoi farlo seguendo questi passaggi:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app on your iPhone.
  2. Select Chat: Choose the chat where you want to send the image with text and tap to open it.
  3. Capture the Image: Tap the camera icon in the typing bar and take the photo you want to share.
  4. Add Text: Tap the “T” icon to add text over the image. Write the text you want to appear on the photo.
  5. Change the Font: Tap the “T” icon again to access the formatting options. Select one of the available fonts and choose the one you like best.
  6. Position and Resize: Drag the text to the desired position on the image. You can also zoom in or out on text using two fingers.
  7. Confirm and Send: When you're happy with your edit, confirm and send the image with your custom text.

How to Change Text Font in Photos on WhatsApp: PC

Anche su PC è possibile personalizzare i testi delle foto su Whatsapp. Ecco come farlo:

  1. Use WhatsApp Web: Access WhatsApp Web on your PC.
  2. Select Chat: Choose the chat where you want to send the image with text.
  3. Send the Image: Use the attachment icon to send an image.
  4. Add Text: Select the sent image and tap the “T” icon to add text on top of it.
  5. Change the Font: Use the available options to change the font of the text.
  6. Position and Resize: Drag the text to the desired position on the image and adjust its size if necessary.
  7. Confirm and Send: Confirm the changes and send the image with the customized text.

Customizing your status on WhatsApp

Se vuoi personalizzare il tuo stato su Whatsapp con font e colori accattivanti, puoi farlo seguendo queste istruzioni:

Customizing Status on Android:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app on your Android device.
  2. Log in to the state: Tap the “Status” tab at the top of the app.
  3. Edit Textual State: Tap the gray pencil icon to create a text state.
  4. Enter the Text: Type the text you want to share.
  5. Change Font and Color: Tap the “T” icon to select one of the available fonts and change the background color with the palette icon.
  6. Publish your status: Once you're happy with your changes, tap the airplane icon to post your custom status.

Status on iOS:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app on your iPhone.
  2. Log in to the state: Tap the “Status” item at the bottom of the app.
  3. Create a New Text State: Tap the pencil icon under your name to create a text status.
  4. Write the Text: Enter the text you want to share.
  5. Change Font and Color: Tap the “T” icon to select a font and change the background color with the palette icon.
  6. Publish Custom Status: When you're ready, tap the airplane icon to post your custom status.

of Info on WhatsApp: Android, iOS and PC

Vuoi rendere uniche le tue Info su Whatsapp anziché utilizzare il testo predefinito “Ciao! Sto usando Whatsapp”? Non preoccuparti, è molto semplice e ti spiegheremo come farlo su dispositivi Android, iOS e anche su PC. Personalizzare le tue Info ti permetterà di condividere una citazione interessante o l’attività che stai svolgendo in modo creativo. Continua a leggere per scoprire come apportare queste modifiche in pochi passaggi.


How to Change WhatsApp Info on Android Devices

Segui questi passaggi per personalizzare le tue Info su Whatsapp su dispositivi Android:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app on your Android device.
  2. Access Settings: Tap the three vertical dots icon at the top right and select “Settings”.
  3. Edit the Info: On the Settings screen, tap your profile photo and then tap the current phrase under “Info & Phone Number.”
  4. Change the Phrase: Select a predefined phrase from the menu or tap the pencil icon to create a custom phrase.
  5. Save Changes: After choosing or creating the new phrase, tap “OK” to save the changes to your WhatsApp Info.

How to Customize WhatsApp Info on iOS Devices

Ecco come puoi personalizzare le tue Info su Whatsapp su dispositivi iOS:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app on your iOS device.
  2. Access Settings: Tap the gear icon at the bottom right to access “Settings”.
  3. Edit Profile: In the Settings section, tap your name to access the profile editing section.
  4. Change the Info: Tap the current phrase under “Info” and select a default phrase or tap “Currently set as” to enter a custom phrase.
  5. Save Changes: Once you have entered the new phrase, tap on the save command at the top right.

Customize WhatsApp Info on PC

Anche da PC puoi personalizzare le tue Info su Whatsapp. Ecco come:

  1. Use WhatsApp Web: Access WhatsApp Web via your browser or the official WhatsApp app for PC.
  2. Scan the QR Code: In the case of WhatsApp Web, follow the instructions to scan the QR Code with the app on your device.
  3. Edit the Info: Click on your profile picture at the top and then on the pencil icon in the Info panel.
  4. Enter the New Phrase: Type the new phrase you want to see in your WhatsApp Info.
  5. Save Changes: Click on the confirmation icon or press “Enter” from the keyboard to save the changes.

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