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WhatsApp for your Business
Customers' preferred channel

SendApp is the first Conversational Marketing solution
which integrates the official WhatsApp API.
Automate Your Communication
of Marketing, Sales, AI Support, Reservations

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SendApp Cloud API META Dashboard


The SendApp dashboard is the main screen that allows users to manage and monitor all activities related to messaging and marketing campaigns via WhatsApp. It is intuitively structured to provide quick access to all key features.

Main Sections

  1. Dashboard
    • Welcome display with the user's name.
    • Quick links to add contacts, create campaigns, and create templates.
  2. Chats
    • Monitoring of incoming and outgoing chats with daily activity graph.
  3. Contact
    • Display of the total number of contacts.
    • Link to view contact details.
  4. Campaigns
    • Display of the total number of campaigns.
    • Links for managing and creating new campaigns.
  5. Templates
    • Display of the total number of templates.
    • Links for managing and creating new templates.
  6. Automation
    • Access to automation features to optimize engagement with contacts.
  7. Team
    • Management of team members and assignment of roles.
  8. Settings
    • Customization of software settings, such as API integrations and system preferences.
  9. Billing & Subscription
    • Managing subscriptions and viewing invoices.
  10. Support
    • Access to customer support and useful documentation.
  11. Developer Tools
    • Dedicated tools for developers to integrate and extend SendApp functionality.

Additional Functions

  • Trial Period: Shows the expiration date of the trial period and the link to subscribe to a paid plan.
  • WhatsApp Setup: Step-by-step guide to configure and activate the WhatsApp API.
  • Setup Team: Ability to add more users to the team.


  • The dashboard includes a notification system for alerts on important changes or required actions.

Adding a WhatsApp Business Account via Facebook

  1. Accessing Facebook: Users must log in via their Facebook account to link their WhatsApp business profile. This step ensures that the integration is secure and personalized.

  2. Entering Corporate Information:

    • Portfolio Business: Select or create a new portfolio to add your phone number. This identifies the set of business resources managed on Facebook.

    • Business Name: Enter the legal name of the company as officially registered.

    • Website or company profile page: Add the URL of the company website or company Facebook page.

    • country: Specifies the country in which the company operates.

    • Addition Address (optional): Enter the physical address of the company if necessary.

  3. Phone Number Configuration: You will need to provide and verify a phone number that will be used to send and receive messages on WhatsApp. This number must already be associated with a WhatsApp Business account or converted to one during the process.

  4. Payment Details: A payment method is required for sending messages via Meta's WhatsApp API. This will be used to cover the costs associated with sending messages to clients.

  5. Finalization and Verification:

    • After entering all the required data, the user will proceed by clicking "Next."

    • A confirmation screen and further instructions on how to complete the phone number verification and account activation will follow.

WhatsApp Business General Settings

Basic Information

  • Display Name: Shows the displayed name that will appear on WhatsApp.

  • Connected Number: Shows the phone number linked to the WhatsApp account.

  • Whatsapp Business ID: Unique ID associated with the WhatsApp Business account.

  • Phone Verification Status: Indicates the status of phone number verification.

  • Message Limits: Message limits set for the account, expressed in "TIER".

  • Number Status: Status of the phone number, e.g. CONNECTED.

  • Quality Rating: Assessment of message traffic quality, e.g. GREEN.

  • Account Status: Current status of the account, e.g. APPROVED.

Business Profile Settings

  • Whatsapp Profile Picture: Option to add or update WhatsApp profile photo.

  • Business Address: Field to enter the physical address of the company.

  • Business Email: Field to add company email.

  • Business Description: Area to enter or edit WhatsApp business account description.

  • Business Industry: Dropdown to specify the business sector of the company, such as "Professional Services."

Management Options

  • Remove WhatsApp Account: Option to remove WhatsApp integration completely. This action will delete your account integration, including contacts and messages.

Saving Changes

  • A "Save" button at the end of the page allows you to save all the changes you have made.


SendApp Chat Interface with WhatsApp Meta API Integration

Main Elements of the Interface

  1. Left Sidebar:

    • Dashboard, Chats, Contacts, Campaigns, Message Templates, Automation, Team, Settings, Billing & Subscription, Support, Developer Tools: These items allow quick navigation to the various features of the application.

  2. Central Chat Area:

    • Active Chat: Shows the name and number of the client, with a history of messages exchanged.

    • Messaging Window: Where you can type and send messages, attach files, and use emoji.

  3. Conversation Details:

    • Messages: Display of messages with details such as time of sending and receiving.

    • Promotions: Dedicated space for promotional messages or additional information.

Communication Rules of the WhatsApp Meta API

  • 24-Hour Customer Service Window: The company can freely respond to customer messages within 24 hours of the last message received from the customer.

  • Reactivation of Chat after 24 Hours:

    • Using Approved Message Templates: To restart an inactive conversation after 24 hours, the company must use a message template approved by WhatsApp. These templates are generally reserved for important communications such as notifications, reminders, and updates.

    • Reply to Recent Posts: If the customer sends a new message, the 24-hour window reopens, allowing the company to respond without restriction.

Additional Features

  • Chat Search: Allows you to easily find specific conversations.

  • Notifications: Ability to enable or disable AI assistant notifications, useful for managing default responses or automation.

Creating a New Message Template

Interface Components

  1. Template Name and Basic Settings:

    • Create Template For Review: Area to enter the template name and select the category it belongs to (e.g., Marketing).

    • Language: Selects the language in which the message will be written, which is essential to ensure that the message is reviewed and approved in the correct language context.

  2. Template Header (Header):

    • Header Type: You can choose to add a text title or include a type of media such as images, videos or documents. This is useful to make the message more engaging or to provide visual information.

  3. Body of the Message (Body):

    • Body: The main part of your post, where you insert the text you want to communicate. It is required and must be clear and conform to Meta's guidelines for template approval.

    • Add Variable: Option to include a variable in the text (max 1), allowing the message to be customized for each recipient (e.g., customer name).

  4. Description of Closure (Footer):

    • Footer Description: Optional, allows a short description or disclaimer to be added to the bottom of the message.

  5. Buttons (Buttons):

    • Call to Action: You can create buttons that encourage the recipient to take a specific action such as calling a phone number, visiting a website, or using a promotional code. Options such as "Call phone number," "Visit website," and "Copy offer code" are available, as well as customizable buttons.

Preview and Send for Approval functionality

  • On the right side of the screen, a preview window shows how the message will look once it is sent, allowing you to make any changes before sending it for approval.

Saving and Submitting the Template

  • Create Template: After completing the template, click this button to save it and submit it for approval by Meta.

Importing Contacts from SendApp

Main Features

  1. Contact Search and Selection:

    • Search Bar: Allows you to search for a specific contact by name, phone number or email.

    • Select All: Option to select all displayed contacts.

    • Individual Contact Display: Shows individual contacts already in the system.

  2. Importing Contacts:

    • Add Contact: Allows a single contact to be added manually.

    • Bulk Upload: Option to bulk upload contacts via a file.

Process of Importing Contacts in Mass

  • Uploading a CSV/XLSX File: Clicking on "Bulk Upload" opens a panel for importing files.

    • File Drag and Drop or Click to Upload: You can drag the file directly to the designated area or click to select the file from your computer.

    • Accepted Formats: Only files in CSV or XLSX format are accepted.

    • Sample Model: Link to download a sample file template to help format data correctly for import.

Important Import Details

  • Phone Number Format: It is critical that the phone numbers in the import files begin with the country code to ensure that they are recognized correctly by the system.

  • Managing Imported Contacts: After import, contacts are added to the existing list and can be used for campaigns, sending automated messages, and other SendApp functions.

Creating a New Marketing Campaign

Campaign Settings

  1. Campaign Name:

    • Field to enter the name of the campaign, useful for easy identification later.

  2. Template:

    • Select a pre-approved message template from the available list. These templates were previously created and approved by Meta to ensure compliance with the messaging guidelines.

  3. Scheduled Time:

    • Set a specific date and time to send the message automatically. If you wish to send immediately, you can select the "Skip Scheduling & Send Immediately" option.

  4. Send To:

    • Choose which contacts to send the message to. You can select all contacts or specific groups.

Message Customization

  1. Header Variables:

    • If the template you choose includes variables in the header, here you can enter the specific values you want to appear in the final message.

  2. Upload:

    • Option to upload files to attach to the message. Supported formats include PDF, TXT, images, Office documents, and others.

    • "Max File Upload Size is 100MB" indicates the maximum limit for the attached file.

  3. Body Variables:

    • If the template includes variables in the body of the text, you can enter specific data here. This allows you to customize the message for each recipient, such as entering name, order details, or other personal data.

Previewing and Saving

  • Message Preview: On the right side, a preview of what the message will look like when sent is shown, with the variables already replaced with the sample data provided.

  • Save: Save the campaign if you wish to proceed with the submission or continue processing at a later time.


Main Screen of Automations in SendApp


This screen provides centralized access to different categories of automated responses that can be configured to improve customer interaction and streamline communications management.

Categories of Automation

  1. Basic Replies:

    • Allows you to set up simple automatic responses based on specific user-defined criteria. For example, an automatic welcome message or a default answer to frequently asked questions can be configured.

  2. Automations:

    • It offers more complex and customizable options for creating automated workflows. Here, users can define specific triggers and corresponding actions that the system should perform when those conditions are met, such as sending a promotional message after a customer has asked a certain question.

  3. AI Reply Assistant:

    • This category enables the integration of artificial intelligence solutions to generate dynamic and contextualized responses. Using AI such as OpenAI, this functionality can process complex responses based on the content of the received message, offering a more sophisticated and personalized level of interaction.

Common Features

  • Search: Allows users to search for specific automations that have already been created, facilitating quick editing or revision of existing configurations.

  • Create: This button starts the procedure to create a new automation, guiding the user through the steps required to set up a new automation.

Creating Automations

  • Creating Automatic Responses: Configuring custom automations to respond to messages based on specific triggers, such as keywords or phrases.

  • Trigger: Definition of texts that trigger automatic response.

  • Matching Criteria: Specifies how the trigger text should match to trigger the response.

  • Types of Response: Ability to choose between text, media (pictures, video), or interactive buttons.

Automation Workflow

  • Configuring Complex Workflows: Allows you to create complex workflows that can include text, media, and interactive buttons.

  • Interactive Buttons: Implementation of buttons that can direct the user to specific resources or perform certain actions.

AI Assistant Setup

  • Habilitation AI Assistant: Allows artificial intelligence-generated responses to be triggered in conversations, potentially using models such as OpenAI.

  • OpenAI API Key Configuration: Requires input of the API key to link the desired AI model.

  • AI Model Selection: Option to choose the specific AI model you want to use to generate responses.

  • Audio Responses: Option to enable audio responses, with voice selection for generated responses.