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The Role of AI in Journalism: Towards the Future

by 7 September 2023No Comments

The Role of'AI in Journalism: Towards the Future

The Mediterranean Journalism Festival recently launched its fifteenth edition in the evocative setting of Otranto. One of the inaugural panels addressed a burning topic: the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in contemporary journalism. AI has already found its place in newsrooms, helping with tasks like content generation and workflow management. However, there is widespread fear that this technology could partially replace human journalists, potentially leading to incomplete or biased reporting.

AI and Digital Journalism: What does the Future Hold?

Annalisa Girardi, a well-known political editor, moderated the opening panel. His questions and insights highlighted the importance of understanding digital jargon. With information consumed at a breakneck pace, the risk of misinformation is higher than ever. The panel set the stage for discussing the future of journalism in the age of AI.

A Philosopher's View: The Impact of AI on Truth

Cosimo Accoto, a philosopher of technology, has drawn attention to how AI technologies are changing our perception of reality. Previously, we relied on machines for calculations; today, AI can generate extremely realistic faces and texts. At airports, for example, AI used to help with facial recognition but can now fabricate realistic fake images. Such developments raise philosophical questions around the concept of truth and authenticity.

Innovating Culture: A Lesson from History

Accoto urged a focus on “cultural innovation.” Citing history, he noted that when humans transitioned from an oral culture to a written one, they learned to distinguish between authentic and fake documents. Similar discernment will be necessary in the age of AI, making it a time for innovation, not fear.

 Law and Responsibility in the Age of AI

Next up was Giulio de Simone, a law professor, who highlighted the legal complexities surrounding fake news. Determining responsibility becomes difficult, especially when advanced AI plays a role. As law and journalism intersect, future solutions may require AI-driven systems for checks and balances.

 The Inevitability of AI in Journalism

Stefano Cristante, a professor of communication sociology, argued that ignoring AI is no longer an option. False information existed a century ago, but the technology to detect it has evolved. It is critical that we take control of this transformative technology, otherwise we remove the human element from news reporting.

Navigating the AI-Infused Future

In conclusion, The Role of AI in Journalism is upon us.

AI is not just a tool but a transformative force. Journalists, philosophers and legal experts agree that cautiously embracing AI is essential. The challenge lies in driving this technology to enhance the core values of journalism: truth, objectivity and human intuition.

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