Whatsapp Pay how chat payment works
Mark Zuckerberg introduce una nuova funzione a Whatsapp: la possibilità di effettuare pagamenti digitali tramite Whatsapp Pay. Ecco di cosa si tratta.
If you are wondering cos’è Whatsapp Pay e come funziona, know that it is a service that allows you to send and receive money attraverso l’app di messaggistica Whatsapp. Continua a leggere per scoprire maggiori dettagli sulla new feature launched by Mark Zuckerberg.
Al via i pagamenti digitali su Whatsapp: si parte dal Brasile, ma il servizio arriverà prossimamente anche nel resto del Mondo.
What is WhatsApp Pay
In Brazil i are being tested pagamenti via Whatsapp. A service that allows app users to send and receive money, all through a simple chat.
The service will be active for both business and private accounts. Payments can therefore take place both between a company and a user, and between users. The difference lies in the cost of the service: free for exchanges between friends and subject to commissions for business ones.
Here is the message published by the company headed by Mark Zuckerberg:
WhatsApp Pay how it works
But come si paga con Whatsapp? First we will need to associare al proprio account Whatsapp un metodo di pagamento which, for the moment, seems to be limited to credit and debit cards of the Visa and Mastercard circuits.
Payment will be handled by a six-digit PIN (it is very likely that the possibility of using a facial or fingerprint recognition will also be made available) in order to prevent unauthorized transactions.
La transazione avverrà senza bisogno di lasciare la chat: un messaggio di testo ci informerà sulla somma di soldi inviata o ricevuta. La funzione Whatsapp Pay sarà integrata alla tastiera dell’app, esattamente come quella dell’invio di foto/video e GIF.
WhatsApp Pay Italy
At the moment the service is being tested in Brazil, the arrival in Italy has not yet been announced.