In 2017 Android has become the most popular operating system in the world, even surpassing Windows. Thanks to the enormous spread of smartphones and the presence of the green robot in numerous product categories.
From a technical point of view, Android is constituted in the lower part by a Linux kernel, which acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the software, and by the drivers for managing the various hardware components. Above we find a level that includes a set of native libraries, written in C and C ++.
We have the Media Framework for audio and video codecs and multimedia playback and recording libraries.
Surface Manager to manage display functions.
Open GL ES, the library for 3D graphics, SGL. A library for 2D graphics engine, FreeType for rendering bitmaps and fonts, SQLite to manage a relational DBMS, WebKit, the rendering engine of Internet pages, SSL for security communications and many others.
In the upper level we find an application framework created by a set of APIs (Application Programming Interface) and other components of fundamental importance for the execution of Android applications. There is also a virtual machine (from version 5.o the obsolete Dalvik is replaced by Android Run Time) for running applications.