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Increase your sales with 10 Simple Tips

by 13 July 2020No Comments

10 methods to increase sales


In this particular market situation, companies haveĀ more than everĀ need to sellĀ to meet the costs that arise monthly. That's why we decided to bring 10 small tips that if put into practice immediately can help the entrepreneur toĀ Increase SalesĀ and therefore make the company survive.


1. Increase the number of visits to customers already acquired.

Perhaps not everyone knows that the first reason why a customer changes supplier is because communication has been interrupted by the supplier company or no seller has gone to find him. Therefore an additional visit or phone call to the acquired customers will allow you to be more present on them and slightly increase or at least keep the turnover on each of them. Multiply the slight increase in turnover for each customer acquired and here the number starts to get interesting.

2. Increase the number of new customers.

In your tour, constantly include potential future buyers of your products / services. Visiting new customers brings an advantage both in terms of visibility and business promotion (because more and more people will come into contact with your reality and therefore more opportunities for new contacts) and from the point of view of increasing turnover because increasing the number of meetings also increase the possibility of closing contracts.

3. Put in place promotional actions.

Often in companies when things are not going so well, the first expense that is cut is that related to advertising, but there is no more wrong thing because promotion is not to be considered as an expense but as an investment. In fact, if we decrease the promotional activity, fewer and fewer people will know that we exist and that we provide the product / service they need, and consequently sales will also suffer. It is not necessary to spend thousands of euros, a few small and cheap actions are enough to generate good profits. In some cases it is possible to offer a greater discount compared to purchases on multiple product lines, in this way the customer triggers the curiosity to also try products that he does not usually buy.

4. Encourage you to buy more by offering benefits.

If your customer usually buys 1000 euro of goods, when he makes a higher order, give him a gadget or a small amount more than the product he usually buys (and which is among the least expensive for you), in this way you will send him to always keep the quantity of your order high.

5. Transfer the benefits that your suppliers offer you to your customers.

Make agreements with your suppliers so that, in the face of your greater commitment in the sale of their products / services, they are willing to give you gadgets or discounts that you can then turn directly to your customers. This will allow you to have a good image return but at the same time it will not involve an important investment on your part.

6. Create a loyalty program.

Study a system that will retain the customer and encourage him to buy from you and not from the competition. Anything that pushes customers to buy from you and accumulate the points necessary to obtain discounts and gifts is fine.

7. Reward those who introduce you to new customers.

There is no better word of mouth advertising because who better than someone who has experienced a service / product on their own skin, can or cannot recommend their experience? Your customers, especially the most loyal ones, know well what you sell and know who your product / service might be interested in. So why not take advantage of this opportunity by encouraging customers to recommend you to their friends and acquaintances? Of course it is right to reciprocate this free advertising made by customers with an advantage also for the latter, in this way they will also be more incentivized to do so. For each potential new customer presented by them, you could offer an extra discount on their next purchase, rather than a commission percentage or a free product / service. In addition to increasing the number of the customer portfolio, this mechanism will also increase turnover in the medium term.

8. Improve the presentation of the product.

We all know how important appearance is, often a well-presented mediocre product sells better than a more performing product but with questionable packaging. Often, therefore, it is only necessary to pay more attention to the aesthetic details of the product to increase its sales. In the case of companies that sell services and not products, the reasoning must be done on everything connected to them and therefore the brochure, the technical sheet as well as of course the seller's clothing and his way of presenting the service. Remember, in fact, that the first thing a person buys is the seller even before the service or product.

9. Use incremental sales.

This is a subtle strategy that is used to increase sales. It is very simple and consists in offering, in the act of sale, an additional service / product correlated with a poor price increase. In most cases the customer accepts and the volume of your order increases. Just think of the menus offered in the motorway service or in the bars. Of course, the additional product or service must be related to what the customer has just purchased to take advantage of it and thus increase your sales. This strategy can be used with any object or service and with different variables, just have creativity.

10. Listen to your collaborators.

All those who revolve around your business have information that does not always reach your ears and above all has a more real and correct view of the situation (especially for those of them who work in direct contact with the public / customers). Often precisely because they experience situations themselves they have advice to improve a situation or brilliant intuitions to increase turnover. From the secretary to the porter, everyone has ideas and solutions to deal with common daily difficulties and therefore it is possible to obtain valuable ideas that can help you increase sales and therefore turnover. We therefore recommend that you periodically organize meetings with each of them to create new strategies and to find ways to sell more.

So it is possibleĀ Increase SalesĀ even in a period of crisis it is enough to have the desire to change one's habits, get involved and have the right creativity and motivation rather than the economic means. We must always think that we are selling a solution to the client's problems / needs and therefore we must show him the advantages he can derive from it.

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