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Mobile messaging 6 secret tools

by 20 July 2020No Comments

Mobile messaging 6 secret tools

Leaders in marketing and customer experience are focused on mobile as a way critic  to reach customers. And messaging has become the priority for 2020. New research from Sinch shows that consumers are ready to embrace new formats and features when sending and receiving text messages. They want messaging options for interacting with healthcare professionals, banks, stores, and many more. (You see  datagrafo  under.) 

Utility of messaging scenarios

To what extent do consumers find value in these industry-specific types of messaging?

Graph showing the usefulness of messaging scenarios

But even when corporate brands rush to create engaging mobile experiences through messaging, there are some features and formats that aren't well understood yet. We review the most compelling mobile messaging tools and the most compelling ways that CX marketers and leaders are leveraging text messaging to engage customers, build trust, and generate revenue.  

1. Translations in real time

In some scenarios, the two parties exchanging messages speak distinct languages but need information in real time. For example, tourists who use ridesharing services (or vice versa, a driver who is not fluent in the local language). Insert translations in real time. Brands can use messaging intermediaries to provide real-time translations of conversations, whether it's chat on the fly to coordinate a rideshare retreat, or more technical discussions about a product or service. 

2. Custom video

Many marketers don't understand custom video design, but for some businesses they depend on building trusting relationships. Custom videos offer a way to create a human connection:

  • A personal shopper creates a short personalized video of new arrivals that the customer may want to try
  • A home inspector shares a video summary of key findings in his report
  • A body shop records a video tour of a customer's car in need of repairs after an accident; the mechanic explains each step of the process and the related costs 
  • A video menu from a home theater company to guide users through a do-it-yourself installation of equipment at home

3. Instant, chat-based customer service

When your customer needs help, an answer to an urgent question may be the only thing stopping them from clicking "buy". 

Using live chat, within the branded app or via other messaging apps, you can offer just-in-time solutions. And keep in mind that this kind of always-on connectivity is not a "nice to have" but a "need to have". The Facebook search shows that consumers expect fast response times. A respondent explained: "If a seller makes me wait more than 10 minutes, I will switch to another seller."

Facebook's own research also found that messaging is a vital way to build trust with customers. Most respondents reported that being able to message a company made them more confident in the brand.

4. Response chip

Think of answering chips as a type of chatbot feature, but it eliminates the errors that arise when AI's attempting to understand human language. A typical chatbot interacts with customers by interpreting human questions and generating an answer from a limited set of scripts. These are excellent options for answering easy questions that arise at a high frequency. (“What time does the Broadway store open?”) The challenge, however, is that humans are… humans. We can enter a typo or use a choice of words that the chatbot does not understand.

With response chips, a customer selects from a specific set of options. App-like functionality and visual cues, but delivered via messaging.


5. Problem solving in real time

Let's consider the travel industry. Due to turbulent weather, delays and cancellations plummet across a region, leaving travelers stranded. In the past, travelers ran (even sprinted) to ticket agents to make changes. More recently, consumers can relatively easily rebook flights using an airline's mobile app.

However, messaging offers an even faster and more effective solution. When a flight is canceled, an airline can send a message to a traveler, for example “Flight 7745 to Boston was canceled due to bad weather. The first available flight LAX → BOS departs tonight at 19:00. Can we reserve a seat for you? ”The traveler simply has to type“ Yes ”and the exchange is completed. No waiting in line or browsing the app.

This type of real-time mobile troubleshooting is relevant to many industries where planning and delayed information create bottlenecks:

  • Confirmation and / or rescheduling of upcoming medical appointments
  • Respond to suspicious activity on your bank account (eg "Your credit card was used in Paris at 10:45 this morning. Was that you?")
  • Upcoming delivery instructions (eg "Your IKEA sofa will be delivered within the next 30 minutes. Answer" Yes "to confirm or" Help "to get a call from your driver."
  • Completing an abandoned cart purchase. (eg "The J. Crew merino wool vest you left in your cart is now on sale. Would you like to complete the transaction?")

6. Security

The best messaging class uses secure end-to-end encryption. Because it is important? Businesses are under severe pressure to protect customer data. Consumers expect it, regulatory bodies demand it, and the growing sophistication of cybercriminals means that security is essential, particularly in regulated areas where sanctions are stricter.

More and more mobile isn't just another way to reach customers - it's the hub of the digital customer experience. And messaging is key to the mobile experience. 

Yet… messaging cannot be treated simply as another channel, like a highly condensed mobile version of email. Corporate businesses need to develop unique messaging strategies and tactics. Awareness raising must be personal and guided by each individual's behavior, preferences and expectations. And we have to respect the very direct and personal connection to the customer offered by mobile messaging. 


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