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2 Billion reasons to use Whatsapp for your business

by 20 July 2020No Comments

The WhatsApp Business API adapts to your communication needs.

Servizi come Whatsapp combinano l’immediatezza della messaggistica con contenuti ricchi come immagini, video, mappe e altro ancora. È fondamentale capire come i tuoi clienti utilizzano Whatsapp e come anche la tua azienda dovrebbe.

In the world of global communications, where every person on the planet is apparently just a text or a DM, scale is everything. That's why the recent news on WhatsApp that have exceeded one billion global users they are a big deal.

Milioni di aziende utilizzano già Whatsapp; e altri servizi di comunicazione avanzati per inviare promemoria di : appuntamenti, conferme d’ordine, offerte speciali, tracciabilità delle spedizioni, consigli sui prodotti, sondaggi di feedback; avvisi di interruzione di corrente e risorse su cui le persone possono fare affidamento durante le emergenze.

Since WhatsApp is privacy-focused and ad-free, it offers more security,

freedom from unsolicited messages and higher levels of trust. In addition to real-time read receipts and rich media features, corporate account communications from Whatsapp they are linked to branded company profiles rather than random strings of numbers, allowing customers to know exactly who they are communicating with.

This allows brands to have a much stronger presence and increase their conversion rates. In fact, the major mobile network operators report double-digit reductions in abandonment after the implementation of rich communication services, due to the more intimate real-time nature of each conversation.

As WhatsApp business solutions provider , L' WhatsApp Business API by Sinch allows companies to connect with their customers in a simple, secure, scalable and reliable way. This communication channel helps organizations to minimize friction, automate customer experiences and integrate these conversations directly into the customer journey.

Juniper Research predicts that by 2022, spending for CPaaS companies like Sinch will grow to nearly $ 7 billion. È la fase successiva dell’evoluzione del servizio clienti. Le organizzazioni che sottovalutano i potenziali benefici che app ricche di messaggistica come Whatsapp possono portare alla propria attività rischieranno di lasciarsi alle spalle un’importante opportunità.

It's time to pay attention to next-generation mobile messaging channels as the way your business interacts with customers and the public and turn your attention to real-time mobile communications. Sinch's WhatsApp Business API is a great way to get started.

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