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New concern for WhatsApp security

by January 13, 2020One Comment

Nuova preoccupazione per la sicurezza di Whatsapp: il cyber cell dell’India consiglia l’aggiornamento.

India's leading cyber security agency, Cert, has asked users to update Whatsapp on their phones after discovering a potential vulnerability in previous versions of the messaging app.

The potential problem may have been triggered by a video file sent by an unknown number.

Whatsapp He said he had no reason to believe that users' phones were affected.

The news of the new issue came soon after that Whatsapp he admitted that his software was used to install spyware on phones.

Facebook, proprietario di Whatsapp, aveva annunciato la correzione per la nuova vulnerabilità nel sistema pochi giorni fa.

Violazione di Pegasus: uscire da Whatsapp renderà il tuo telefono più sicuro?
Whatsapp: gli indiani tra quelli  presi di mira  dallo spyware.
Cert says that if users open the video file, the software is installed on the phone, similar to Pegasus malware, which is used against journalists and activists.

The agency added that the vulnerability would allow attackers to access phones and make changes to the device, regardless of where it was located geographically.

Il problema avrebbe richiesto agli utenti di aprire il file video, a differenza del più sofisticato Pegasus che si è attivato tramite una vulnerabilità nella funzione di videochiamata di Whatsapp e non ha richiesto la risposta alla chiamata.

The messaging app also claimed to have released a security update that is expected to resolve the issue.

India has 400 million users Whatsapp, making the country its largest market.

One Comment

  • Param Rathod says:

    I love this app as I am using this app since 5 years. It is too good. Nice. Almost all my relatives has this app. When it doesn't exist it is difficult to talk people who are away from us or who are living next countries. Best and fast app for commmunication.

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