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the bees W
hastApp Meta
for SendApp Cloud
API Meta

Designed for small and medium-sized companies,
to revolutionize communication with customers.

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How to create a Facebook App

  1. Log in or register on Facebook
  2. Then go to the page Apps
  3. Click on Create an App

  1. Select Other
  2. Then click on next

  1. Select Company
  2. Then click on next

  1. Then enter all the requested information
  2. And click on Create App

How to configure WhatsApp in an App

  1. In the App you must configure the product Whatsapp


  1. Select the information requested by Facebook and click on continues

  1. After clicking continue, Facebook will send a SMS with an OTP code to enter
  2. After entering the OTP code click on continue

How to create a permanent token

  1. After configuring the WhatsApp product, to create a permanent token, go to the page Business Facebook
  2. Click System Users in the side menu
  3. Select the administrator account and click Generate a new token

  1. After clicking on the Generate a token button, a new window will open where you must select the App created previously
  2. In the token expiration section select “never”

  1. In the permissions section, select only the permissions that refer to the WhatsApp product
  2. After selecting them, click on Generate Token

  1. After clicking Generate Token, Facebook will send a SMS with an OTP code to enter
  2. After entering the OTP code click on he confirms

  1. After clicking continue, a page will be displayed with the permanent token to copy and save (the token, if lost, will be unrecoverable).

How to set up a phone number on Facebook

  1. Go to the page Business Facebook Phone Numbers
  2. Click on the button Add phone number

  1. Subsequently, a page will open where you will have to enter all the requested information
  2. Once you have entered all the information, click next

  1. Next you will need to enter the telephone number and select the prefix for the number
  2. After entering everything, click on next

  1. Now go to your page App
  2. And go to the section API Configuration
  3. Select the telephone number in the relevant field if it is not already selected and click on verify

  1. Subsequently, a page will open where you will have to choose the method to receive the WhatsApp OTP code
  2. After clicking next and receiving the OTP code, enter the OTP code and click next
  3. Now the number is active and working with the relevant credentials Phone Number ID

How to configure APIs in SendApp Cloud API Meta

  1. In your Facebook App in the section Products->WhatsApp
  2. Click on API configuration
  3. Select your previously registered number and copy the parameters Phone number ID is WhatsApp Business account ID
  4. Also copy the App ID

  1. Then go to the SendApp settings
  2. Enter all the copied data and the previously created permanent token
  3. After entering all the data, click on send

How to setup Webhook in SendApp Cloud API Meta

  1. Go to the SendApp settings
  2. Click on the “Show Info on Webhook” button
  3. Copy the URL and verify token

  1. After copying everything
  2. Go to your App and in the WhatsApp section click on configuration
  3. And where you see the "Edit" button next to the writing that refers to the Webhook, click it

  1. Subsequently, a page will open where you must enter all the data previously copied into the respective fields
  2. After entering the data, click on save

  1. After configuring the webhook without receiving any errors
  2. Still on the same page, click on "Manage" in the Webhook Fields section

  1. Subsequently a page will open and you must select only the "messages" field