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3 SMS marketing campaigns to boost your brand

by 27 January 20226 Comments

3 SMS marketing campaigns to boost your brand

The cell phone is now an extension of the individual. Even sms marketing they increased during the pandemic to entice people to buy. Resellers surveyed said their communication investment increased by more than 50% in 2020. Consumers also use their smartphones for shopping. Most social media ads tend to be marketing presentations.

The marketing text-based promotes a less competitive channel that reaches customers where they are. SMS marketing requires customers to join, and text software seems complicated for brands venturing into this channel for the first time. However, brand-based SMS marketing can also convert leads and engage customers in 160 characters or less, and we'll show you how in this article.

The importance of brand-based SMS marketing
Why is it important that your SMS marketing is aligned with your brand? Well, brands and technology are closely linked in our highly connected world. As a consumer, you are probably aware of how many marketing materials you receive each day. It is essential to have a memorable and distinct digital presence that allows you to be recognized by consumers.

According to an LHH article on creating a professional brand, businesses can start evaluating their presence by checking Google and seeing what people are saying about them. How you are perceived is important, because it can show consumers the fundamental elements that define who you are. With brand-based SMS marketing, you can better convey this identity and value. SMS marketing is a cost-effective method of retaining customers who believe in what you have to offer as an organization.

SMS marketing elements to inspire your next campaign
We have covered a number of models of marketing SMS on the blog. Whether it's welcoming customers, winning them back, or enticing them to check their abandoned cart, these templates guide you on how to format your SMS campaigns for every occasion. Here are three basic principles that can help you create your original, brand-aligned messages:

Personalized colloquial flow

In a Forbes article on personalized brand experiences, they noted that customers support consumer-obsessed brands that offer specific products for them. In fact, around 70% of consumers say they will only shop with a brand that understands them personally, so try to incorporate personal details into your text messages, such as sending a special discount for their birthday. Keep your SMS approach light, short and conversational, as if every customer is your friend. Call them by name for authentic sound and feel. Remember, they don't want to talk to a robot; it's a great turn on if you're just screaming BUY NOW! to them through the text.

Customer specific reminders

If you're a service provider, you know how no-shows can hurt your business because you're turning down other customers in favor of pre-booked appointments. With the SMS marketing, you can communicate beyond promotions. Send reminders of their schedule to not miss the appointment; also something like “We can't wait to see you tomorrow at 3pm! Please let us know if you need to reschedule. " it can be useful. Resellers can also send out reminders or announcements of a flash sale. Sending an SMS during business hours (but before the sale takes place) can instill a human touch and trigger last-minute impulse purchases.

Engaging and interactive content

A successful SMS campaign provides value for both you and your target demographic. Instead of sending passive messages, you can ask your audience to take quizzes or surveys. A simple text like “Which product would you like us to release next: A, B or C?”, Along with the attached images, can effectively drive engagement and help you make smarter business decisions. You can be fun and playful or host a text poll for more serious feedback. Ask short, focused questions such as "What could we improve on?" it will make it easier for consumers to accomplish.


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