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Digital transformation to meet customer needs

by July 23, 2020No Comments

Following the recent launch of our white paper; The Network Operator's Guide to Differentiation in a Digital Age: How Established Policy and Pricing Can Provide a Competitive Advantage, the Product Manager, Victor Fernández; discusses the challenges mobile operators face in addressing a digital transformation.

Digital Transformation offers telecommunications operators the opportunity to rebuild their position in a commodified market; rebuild customer enthusiasm and reshape the operating cost structure, which could result in improved value for the industry.

Customers now think in terms of services rather than traffic. They want to stream videos and music on demand, they want to stay up to date with social networks and play online games on the go. They don't want to worry about traffic consumption while doing it.

Undergo a digital transformation for meet customer needs today presents mobile operators with some challenges:

  • Digital transformation begins with real-time control. Enable customers to decide, purchase and configure their mobile services according to their specific needs at a given time; means real-time monitoring is a must. Mobile operators wishing to offer a complete digital experience must react accordingly to customer expectations, as well as react appropriately to the characteristics of the subscription.
  • The need to adapt your offer is a consequence of real-time control and greater awareness of how customers use their services.
    The huge growth in data consumption requires simplified network optimization. In order to be able to provide the quality of service expected for every single situation, service or application for which customers use their mobile devices and to ensure a satisfactory experience, the right policies must be applied to the right customer at the right time to preserve network optimization.
  • Mobile operators invest a large percentage of their budget to improve access network capabilities and capabilities, and it is critical to enable tools that rationalize the use of capacity and capacity to serve all customers fairly and provide an experience. quality, allowing mobile operators to stay ahead of the competition.

  • The more integrated the PCC functions (PCRF, SPR, OCS) are, the more convenient the operation, the shorter the "time to market" becomes. It's no secret that managing a mobile network is a huge and complex task. And, as already mentioned in the previous points, the expectations and requests of the customers increase every day. Therefore, a short time-to-market for new products and services, as well as cost-effective operational processes are critical when it comes to generating value and reducing costs, complexity and risk. Mobile operators should seek tightly integrated network functions to minimize configuration processes, reducing not only staff but also the need for highly skilled skills that may be difficult to find on the market.

For these reasons, the PCC architecture is becoming a must in mobile operator networks.

Symsoft took it a step further by consolidating the main functions of PCC: the Online Top Up System (OCS), the Subscription Profile Repository (SPR) and the Policy and Rate Control (PCRF) function into one network entities, reducing potential points of failure, integration efforts and time-to-market to implement new products and services.

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